What are the ways to get to know each other? I've been alone for a long time now and would like some tips on how to behave on a date? There are people here who already had experience in such matters.
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Sep 10, 2021
I always had a hard time dating and finding a partner, a couple of years ago I got divorced and was alone for a long time. Not so long ago, I started sitting on a dating site, and found my love, https://www.makeitmissoula.com/2020/12/what-is-killing-your-relationship-can-help-you-mend-it/ everything is fine with us, but I found a post about how our relationship will develop and what to expect to prevent it.
I always had a hard time dating and finding a partner, a couple of years ago I got divorced and was alone for a long time. Not so long ago, I started sitting on a dating site, and found my love, https://www.makeitmissoula.com/2020/12/what-is-killing-your-relationship-can-help-you-mend-it/ everything is fine with us, but I found a post about how our relationship will develop and what to expect to prevent it.